Tuesday, March 24, 2009

100 Tips, Apps, and Resources for Teachers on Twitter
This is a useful link for newbies to Twitter, however, it is especially useful for educators who are looking to implement Twitter into their students' learning. I would love to hear feedback from teachers who are or who are trying to use this and other networking tools in their primary classrooms.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

I subscribe to Squidoo Lens of the Day, and this is the one I got today. It is relevant to my profession and has got me thinking of how to incorporate Twitter into my Grade 3 classroom.


About this link in a nutshell:

"On March 10th Union Square Ventures put on a conference called Hacking Education. The idea was to get a bunch of smart people in a room to re-imagine how education could (and should) work in a web 2.0 world." (opening sentence from email sent by Squidoo Lens of the Day).

Thousands of tweets (from during the conference) have been distilled into a few hundred relevant and coherently grouped tweets.

Kudos to Alex Krupp, whose Squidoo Lens it is.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Here's a pic of me and someone really terrific.
I'm figuring out if having this blog actually has a point. I've got facebook and email which, thus far, has proved to be sufficient in sharing pictures and communicating with friends. Um... facebook has notes... that's a bit like blogging, right? Possibly the format of this is a bit more elegant. Kay, we'll see...